Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Random sketches

 A couple sketches here when I was bored at a comic con, lol.

Kirby & Meta Knight Painting

 I might as well say this now, but until I say so in a post, all of these drawing are from October through the end of November to make up for all this lost time, lol.

I love drawing Kirby so much- hgsfgsjfgkssgifug aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAA-

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sonic Painting

 A Sonic painting I did back in October. :)

Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas :D

 Oh my goodness. Has it really been three months since I posted?? Oh boy, well. There's a lot of art to catch up on! Sorry for the delay everyone, oof.

These are some rough sketches and final drafts I had waaaaaaaaay back in October this year to show at art colleges. It was super cool and fun, although I really don't want to go out of state just for an art education, haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Digitally Updated Cherry Blossom Tree (ft Espio)

 So I rendered the image a bit more, blurred a few things, and colored it up. So uh, here you go I guess, lol.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Vanessa, FNaF

 Just some dry erase art I suppose. I've never really tried too hard until now, so it was interesting. Still not my tool of choice, lol.

Monday, September 12, 2022

More Attack on Titan Art

Here's yet another birthday present for another good friend of mine. :) I painted the canvas, and drew the manga panels myself, as I did with the last one!

Yeahhh, I can safely say that most of my friend group is really into AoT, lol.

Mikasa Ackerman from AoT

 Sooooo I made these drawings, and put them on a wooden frame as a birthday gift for a friend. :)

This is her absolute favorite character from Attack on Titan, so I though "Hm, why not?" So this now exists (The blank space is where I put Mikasa's name).

Kirby is Life


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Tails is sO HARD TO DRaw.

 I'm actually really bad at drawing Tails- for some reason, he was always so so SO hard for me to draw, and I don't understand why, lol. This is one of my better ones I suppose!

Dream I guess

Some Dream doodles I guess. I liked the shading here!

Friday, September 9, 2022

Flawless (Yes, that is his name)

 Here's my design of my dad's original character from his comic books! I didn't quite finish the concept designs, but oh well.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Bakugo Request

 So a good friend of mine requested that I re-draw one of her favorite characters using a reference she sent me. I added my own little quirks to it, but I think I mostly got it!

(I don't own the art in the bottom image, all I did was simply use it as a reference. I know how tricky plagiarism and copyrights can get with art and all that jazz, and I have no intent to steal it and say that I myself came up with the idea and drew it.)

Cherry Blossom Tree (ft Espio)

 As you can see, I made quite the mess while painting, lol.

Before I added the leaves

S'more Undertale and Deltarune

Here ya go.

Some Bendy Stuff

 Oh boy, I've got a TON of drawings again. Some are from a few months ago that I found, and some are a lot of months old, lol.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Real quick-

 Okay what on earth?!? 14 posts in one month (not counting this post)?!?!

In the beginning, it took me 8 WHOLE months to get there, and that's not counting the months I skipped.

If this keeps up, I'll be having- uh- I dunno, way more content I guess, lol.

Fang from Brawl Stars again

So most of the next posts will consist of drawings I've done either in June, or May if I remember correctly, lol. Anywho, here's more Fang art.

Monday, August 22, 2022

L, Death Note

 His hair is ridiculously fun to draw, haha! Here's a sketch/draft I did sometime in June, I can't remember when, lol.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

I'm Bad at Faces

 Eh, I just tried on some MHA faces. I don't really expect people to know who is who, lol.

Friday, August 19, 2022


Napstablook is SO fun and easy to draw. :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kirby/Link Kirby

 I adore the pink puffball.

S'more Sonic Stuff

 I suppose I've gotten a little lazy in drawing original stuff. Hm. Gotta do something about that.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Sand and Papyrus (Omigosh guys, from SSBU, lol)

This is most likely going to be my official style for drawing the skelebros, and not gonna lie, I like how Papyrus turned out!

Snas Undertalee

 Whoops, so apparently I could've put this one with the Deltarune post, but um. I forgot. And now I just don't want to edit the other post just to put it in, so looks like Sans gets a post all to himself as well, lol.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Deltarune Trio

So I  have one more pair of Undertale stuff, but this one just didn't have another page companion, so I'm giving Ralsei, Susie, and Kris a post of their own I suppose! It's also my first time attempting to draw Susie and Kris, so it's not too terrible!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Undyne and Frisk

 I sorta like the style that I drew Undyne in. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Papyrus and Chara/Frisk I guess

Oh boy. Sooo, I have a TON of Undertale drawings that I've done earlier this month, so I'm going to stagger them each in pairs so that my posts are more balanced content-wise.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

50th Post?? (Finally, lol)

 After exactly 1,062 days I finally made it to post numbero 50. Um, hehe it took quite a while to get here, but it's kinda a milestone I guess? Lol I dunno, just take some more Sonic art than usual today.