Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Real quick-

 Okay what on earth?!? 14 posts in one month (not counting this post)?!?!

In the beginning, it took me 8 WHOLE months to get there, and that's not counting the months I skipped.

If this keeps up, I'll be having- uh- I dunno, way more content I guess, lol.

Fang from Brawl Stars again

So most of the next posts will consist of drawings I've done either in June, or May if I remember correctly, lol. Anywho, here's more Fang art.

Monday, August 22, 2022

L, Death Note

 His hair is ridiculously fun to draw, haha! Here's a sketch/draft I did sometime in June, I can't remember when, lol.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

I'm Bad at Faces

 Eh, I just tried on some MHA faces. I don't really expect people to know who is who, lol.

Friday, August 19, 2022


Napstablook is SO fun and easy to draw. :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kirby/Link Kirby

 I adore the pink puffball.

S'more Sonic Stuff

 I suppose I've gotten a little lazy in drawing original stuff. Hm. Gotta do something about that.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Sand and Papyrus (Omigosh guys, from SSBU, lol)

This is most likely going to be my official style for drawing the skelebros, and not gonna lie, I like how Papyrus turned out!

Snas Undertalee

 Whoops, so apparently I could've put this one with the Deltarune post, but um. I forgot. And now I just don't want to edit the other post just to put it in, so looks like Sans gets a post all to himself as well, lol.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Deltarune Trio

So I  have one more pair of Undertale stuff, but this one just didn't have another page companion, so I'm giving Ralsei, Susie, and Kris a post of their own I suppose! It's also my first time attempting to draw Susie and Kris, so it's not too terrible!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Undyne and Frisk

 I sorta like the style that I drew Undyne in. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Papyrus and Chara/Frisk I guess

Oh boy. Sooo, I have a TON of Undertale drawings that I've done earlier this month, so I'm going to stagger them each in pairs so that my posts are more balanced content-wise.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

50th Post?? (Finally, lol)

 After exactly 1,062 days I finally made it to post numbero 50. Um, hehe it took quite a while to get here, but it's kinda a milestone I guess? Lol I dunno, just take some more Sonic art than usual today.


 I drew Kirby!! And did the paint job!! On a T-SHIRT!! This little shirt started off as a simple plain old white shirt that probably would've amounted to nothing, and turned into a masterpiece~

Okay, okay lol, in all seriousness though, this did become one of my favorite shirts.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Anime stuff

 Man, did I really not post these? Well, here's a few anime drawings I did for a good friend's graduation and his brother's birthday. I think they liked them alright!

The birthday boi's drawing

The graduated boi's drawing