Saturday, November 21, 2020


This is art right??


A masterpiece~

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Hi, I Have More Art


LOOK! Jk plz don't-


An Among Us comic I drew.

A Knuckles pic I drew.

A Charmy pic I drew.

A Tikal pic I drew.


A Mario and Sonic pic I drew.

A Sonic pic I drew.

A Silver pic I drew.

 Everything and everyone is dead, so I don't know why I even bother with posting.

Friday, October 16, 2020

everyone iz dead.


I'm looking at my veiws, and I don't have ANY all the way back to TMNT Leo.

Did ya'll like, die or something??

Are you guys even ok, or did you just forget about everything Blogger related?

Even with no veiws, I will keep posting and annoying ya'll.

I'll say nice things at your funeral.

Some More Sonic Stuff


Sonic characters have been all I've been drawing lately, idk why, don't ask.


Mephiles. Did I spell that right? you know what, I don't care anymore. 


Why is Knuckles waaaaay off to the side?


I hate Sonic's hands here

This is something I inked. Inking is just outlining something u drew with a pen.


Here's TaNGlE.

I actually like this one just a little.

Why is Sonic OFF TO THE SIDE?


Sonic stuff is cool, go check him out. And watch the movie. But not the old trailer. that was pretty bad, and that's saying something coming from me......



Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Another Sonic.exe

This might be disturbing for small children, but I'm not a small child so idk.

I don't know why I drew him pretty graphic here.

I used pastels and ink for this one, so be sure to get your pro pastels and pens today!

Thisisaonetimeofferonly,sobesuretogettheminatwopackagedeal,availibletodayonly.Anyinjuriesandorjumpscaresarenotmyproblemswhatsoever.Batteries not included.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Venom & Gwenom

Sooooooo, here's Venom, and Spider-Gwenom. Yeah, I tried.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


I'm giving up on the other font just because it's a pain to change every single time.

Anyways, Sonic.exe is a cool but somewhat creepy fan-made game that I sometimes get nightmares from. It IS worth all those sleepless nights though, so you should give it a shot if you're into creepypasta stuff.

Soooooooooo here's my first one.


And here's my better one.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sonic, Shadow, Amy. and a gif

Hi I'm posting some Sega cuz I'm slacking on doodling poor Mikey.



I also have a Sonic.exe drawing I did a while back, but idk if I should post it next time or not...
Oh well, I'll do it anyways

Oooh, and a gif I made-

Dude, that flip is soooooooo clean I could watch it all day

Thursday, April 16, 2020

TMNT Leonardo

          Well, here we have our "Fearless Leader"

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

TMNT Raphael

          Oh boy, I tried.

                              And just a little info on one of my favorite tv shows:


Monday, April 6, 2020


     My worst nightmare...

                                    Ugh, that was one weird dream I had last night...

Thursday, April 2, 2020




Monday, January 6, 2020

Eye of Agamotto

I think that's how you spell it